Guglielmo Marconi (inventor of the radio) received his first radio signal in Italy in 1895. January 13, 1910, was the first public radio broadcast, of a live opera at the MET. Thenceforth marketing had changed, having augmented. And so it begun.
The use of electronic devices as to market a product or service became standard, contrary to how it was. Such a power would not limit you to a local audience, but allow you access to an international one as well.
A marketing strategy of unlimited capacity. Enabling you to interact with your audience, all whilst granting them liberty to choose how they want to receive your content. Could be through a post of some sort. Or perhaps if you’re not a reader, then something more convenient to you, such as a video.
Let’s not forget that it is substantially cheaper than traditional marketing. Bringing forth the opportunity for all firms to compete regardless of the size.
Digital marketing is broken down into 2 segments. Online marketing, and offline marketing.
Online Marketing includes:
● Search Engine Marketing
● Search Engine Optimization
● Content Marketing
● Social Media Marketing
● Affiliate Marketing
● Email Marketing
● Pay-per-click Marketing
Offline Marketing includes:
● Enhanced Offline Marketing
● Radio Marketing
● Television Marketing
● Phone Marketing
There is no denying the magnitude of its importance. Nor that of its power. Having facilitated the process of marketing; attaining many wonders.